Who are the parents of Philip IV of Spain?
Philip IV of Spain parents include Margaret of Austria (1584), Philip III of Spain (1578)
Below we've gathered some of the frequently asked questions about Philip IV of Spain along with detailed information on how they are related to all the people on the Habsburgs family tree.
Philip IV of Spain was born in Segovia, Calle de los Templarios, Spain. This location is in the region of Castile and León, near Madrid and Valladolid.
Philip IV of Spain was born on Sat Jan 01 1605 (about 420 years ago)
Spanish, Latin
Habsburg Jaw
Spain, Portugal, Americas
Natural causes
Artistic, Melancholic, Politically Weak
Philip IV of Spain parents include Margaret of Austria (1584), Philip III of Spain (1578)
Philip IV of Spain siblings include Maria-Anna of Spain (1606)
Philip IV of Spain spouses include Mariana of Austria (1634)
Philip IV of Spain children include Charles II of Spain (1661)
Philip IV of Spain aunts / uncles include Ferdinand II Holy Roman Emperor (1578)
Philip IV of Spain cousins include Ferdinand III Holy Roman Emperor (1608)
Philip IV of Spain first cousin once removed include Mariana of Austria (1634)
Philip IV of Spain second cousins include Philip III of Spain (1578), Margaret of Austria (1584), Ferdinand II Holy Roman Emperor (1578), Maria-Anna of Bavaria (1574)
Philip IV of Spain third cousins include Charles II of Spain (1661), Mariana of Austria (1634)
Philip IV of Spain grandparents include Charles II of Austria (1540), Maria-Anna of Bavaria (1574), Anna of Austria , Philip II of Spain (1527)
Philip IV of Spain great-grandparents include Ferdinand I Holy Roman Emperor , Anne of Bohemia , Anna of Austria (1528), Albert-V Duke of Bavaria (1528), Maria of Austria (1528), Maximilian II Holy Roman Emperor (1527), Isabella of Portugal , Charles V Holy Roman Emperor (1500)
Philip IV of Spain great-great-grandparents include Philip I of Castile (1478), Joanna of Castile (1479), Ferdinand I Holy Roman Emperor , Anne of Bohemia , Isabella of Portugal , Charles V Holy Roman Emperor (1500)
Philip IV of Spain great-great-great-grandparents include Philip I of Castile (1478), Joanna of Castile (1479)
Philip IV of Spain nephews / nieces include Mariana of Austria (1634)
Philip IV of Spain grandnephews / grandnieces include Charles II of Spain (1661)
Philip IV of Spain first cousins twice removed include Charles II of Spain (1661)
Philip IV of Spain other blood relatives include Willian V Duke of Bavaria , Isabella of Austria , Christina of Denmark , Renata of Lorraine
Philip IV of Spain ancestors include Margaret of Austria (1584), Charles II of Austria (1540), Ferdinand I Holy Roman Emperor , Philip I of Castile (1478), Joanna of Castile (1479), Anne of Bohemia , Maria-Anna of Bavaria (1574), Anna of Austria (1528), Albert-V Duke of Bavaria (1528), Philip III of Spain (1578), Anna of Austria , Maria of Austria (1528), Isabella of Portugal , Charles V Holy Roman Emperor (1500), Maximilian II Holy Roman Emperor (1527), Philip II of Spain (1527)
Philip IV of Spain descendants include Charles II of Spain (1661)
Philip IV of Spain all blood relatives include Margaret of Austria (1584), Charles II of Austria (1540), Ferdinand I Holy Roman Emperor , Philip I of Castile (1478), Joanna of Castile (1479), Anne of Bohemia , Maria-Anna of Bavaria (1574), Anna of Austria (1528), Albert-V Duke of Bavaria (1528), Philip III of Spain (1578), Anna of Austria , Maria of Austria (1528), Isabella of Portugal , Charles V Holy Roman Emperor (1500), Maximilian II Holy Roman Emperor (1527), Philip II of Spain (1527), Charles II of Spain (1661), Maria-Anna of Spain (1606), Mariana of Austria (1634), Ferdinand II Holy Roman Emperor (1578), Ferdinand III Holy Roman Emperor (1608), Willian V Duke of Bavaria , Maria-Anna of Bavaria (1574), Isabella of Austria , Christina of Denmark , Renata of Lorraine
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