Who are the parents of Maria-Anna of Bavaria?
Maria-Anna of Bavaria parents include Anna of Austria (1528), Albert-V Duke of Bavaria (1528)
Below we've gathered some of the frequently asked questions about Maria-Anna of Bavaria along with detailed information on how they are related to all the people on the Habsburgs family tree.
Maria-Anna of Bavaria was born in Maxvorstadt, Munich, Bavaria, Germany. This location is in close proximity to the city of Munich.
Maria-Anna of Bavaria was born on Tue Jan 01 1574 (about 451 years ago)
Maria-Anna of Bavaria parents include Anna of Austria (1528), Albert-V Duke of Bavaria (1528)
Maria-Anna of Bavaria siblings include Willian V Duke of Bavaria
Maria-Anna of Bavaria spouses include Charles II of Austria (1540)
Maria-Anna of Bavaria children include Margaret of Austria (1584), Ferdinand II Holy Roman Emperor (1578)
Maria-Anna of Bavaria aunts / uncles include Maximilian II Holy Roman Emperor (1527), Charles II of Austria (1540)
Maria-Anna of Bavaria cousins include Anna of Austria , Margaret of Austria (1584), Ferdinand II Holy Roman Emperor (1578)
Maria-Anna of Bavaria first cousin once removed include Philip III of Spain (1578), Philip IV of Spain (1605), Maria-Anna of Spain (1606), Ferdinand III Holy Roman Emperor (1608)
Maria-Anna of Bavaria second cousins include Philip III of Spain (1578), Renata of Lorraine
Maria-Anna of Bavaria grandparents include Ferdinand I Holy Roman Emperor , Anne of Bohemia
Maria-Anna of Bavaria great-grandparents include Philip I of Castile (1478), Joanna of Castile (1479)
Maria-Anna of Bavaria nephews / nieces include Maria-Anna of Bavaria (1574)
Maria-Anna of Bavaria grandnephews / grandnieces include Ferdinand III Holy Roman Emperor (1608)
Maria-Anna of Bavaria first cousins twice removed include Philip IV of Spain (1605), Maria-Anna of Spain (1606), Charles II of Spain (1661), Mariana of Austria (1634)
Maria-Anna of Bavaria grandchildren include Philip IV of Spain (1605), Maria-Anna of Spain (1606), Ferdinand III Holy Roman Emperor (1608)
Maria-Anna of Bavaria great-grandchildren include Charles II of Spain (1661), Mariana of Austria (1634)
Maria-Anna of Bavaria great-great-grandchildren include Charles II of Spain (1661)
Maria-Anna of Bavaria other blood relatives include Charles V Holy Roman Emperor (1500), Maria of Austria (1528), Philip II of Spain (1527), Isabella of Austria , Christina of Denmark
Maria-Anna of Bavaria ancestors include Anna of Austria (1528), Ferdinand I Holy Roman Emperor , Philip I of Castile (1478), Joanna of Castile (1479), Anne of Bohemia , Albert-V Duke of Bavaria (1528)
Maria-Anna of Bavaria descendants include Margaret of Austria (1584), Philip IV of Spain (1605), Charles II of Spain (1661), Maria-Anna of Spain (1606), Mariana of Austria (1634), Ferdinand II Holy Roman Emperor (1578), Ferdinand III Holy Roman Emperor (1608)
Maria-Anna of Bavaria all blood relatives include Anna of Austria (1528), Ferdinand I Holy Roman Emperor , Philip I of Castile (1478), Joanna of Castile (1479), Anne of Bohemia , Albert-V Duke of Bavaria (1528), Margaret of Austria (1584), Philip IV of Spain (1605), Charles II of Spain (1661), Maria-Anna of Spain (1606), Mariana of Austria (1634), Ferdinand II Holy Roman Emperor (1578), Ferdinand III Holy Roman Emperor (1608), Willian V Duke of Bavaria , Maria-Anna of Bavaria (1574), Maximilian II Holy Roman Emperor (1527), Anna of Austria , Philip III of Spain (1578), Charles II of Austria (1540), Charles V Holy Roman Emperor (1500), Maria of Austria (1528), Philip II of Spain (1527), Isabella of Austria , Christina of Denmark , Renata of Lorraine
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