Maria of Austria

Family Tree of Maria of Austria

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Below we've gathered some of the frequently asked questions about Maria of Austria along with detailed information on how they are related to all the people on the Habsburgs family tree.

In which location was Maria of Austria born?

Maria of Austria was born in Madrid, Spain. Located in the city of Madrid, in the region of Community of Madrid, Spain. The coordinate is in close proximity to other major cities such as Barcelona and Valencia.

On which date was Maria of Austria born?

Maria of Austria was born on Sun Jan 01 1528 (about 497 years ago)

What languages did Maria of Austria speak?

Spanish, Latin

What nationality was Maria of Austria?

Spanish / Austrian

Which territories did Maria of Austria rule?

None (Queen Consort)

What was the cause of death for Maria of Austria?

Natural causes

What personality traits were associated with Maria of Austria?

Loyal, Devout, Supportive

Who are the siblings of Maria of Austria?

Maria of Austria siblings include Philip II of Spain (1527)

Who are the children of Maria of Austria?

Maria of Austria children include Anna of Austria

Who are the nephews / nieces of Maria of Austria?

Maria of Austria nephews / nieces include Philip III of Spain (1578)

Who are the first cousins twice removed of Maria of Austria?

Maria of Austria first cousins twice removed include Philip III of Spain (1578), Philip IV of Spain (1605), Maria-Anna of Spain (1606), Ferdinand III Holy Roman Emperor (1608), Margaret of Austria (1584), Ferdinand II Holy Roman Emperor (1578), Maria-Anna of Bavaria (1574)

Who are the grandchildren of Maria of Austria?

Maria of Austria grandchildren include Philip III of Spain (1578)

Who are the great-great-great-grandchildren of Maria of Austria?

Maria of Austria great-great-great-grandchildren include Charles II of Spain (1661)

Who are the all blood relatives of Maria of Austria?

Maria of Austria all blood relatives include Isabella of Portugal , Charles V Holy Roman Emperor (1500), Philip I of Castile (1478), Joanna of Castile (1479), Anna of Austria , Philip III of Spain (1578), Philip IV of Spain (1605), Charles II of Spain (1661), Maria-Anna of Spain (1606), Mariana of Austria (1634), Philip II of Spain (1527), Ferdinand I Holy Roman Emperor , Maximilian II Holy Roman Emperor (1527), Charles II of Austria (1540), Margaret of Austria (1584), Ferdinand II Holy Roman Emperor (1578), Ferdinand III Holy Roman Emperor (1608), Anna of Austria (1528), Maria-Anna of Bavaria (1574), Willian V Duke of Bavaria , Maria-Anna of Bavaria (1574), Isabella of Austria , Christina of Denmark , Renata of Lorraine

  • Article Updated: Sat Feb 22 2025

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