Kris Houghton

Family Tree of Kris Houghton

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Below we've gathered some of the frequently asked questions about Kris Houghton along with detailed information on how they are related to all the people on the Kardashians family tree.

On what date was Kris Houghton born?

Kris Houghton (Jenner) was born on Sat Nov 05 1955 (over 69 years ago)

What is Kris Houghton's middle name?


Who are the grandchildren of Kris Houghton?

Kris Houghton grandchildren include Mason Disick (2009-12-14), Penelope Disick (2012-07-08), Reign Disick (2014-12-14), North West (2013-06-15), Saint West (2015-12-05), Chicago West (2018-01-15), Psalm West (2019-05-09), True Thompson (2018-04-12), Tatum Thompson (2022-07-28), Dream Kardashian (2016-11-10), Stormi Webster (2018-02-01), Aire Webster (2022-02-02)

Who are the descendants of Kris Houghton?

Kris Houghton descendants include Kourtney Kardashian (1979-04-18), Mason Disick (2009-12-14), Penelope Disick (2012-07-08), Reign Disick (2014-12-14), Kimberly Kardashian (1980-10-21), North West (2013-06-15), Saint West (2015-12-05), Chicago West (2018-01-15), Psalm West (2019-05-09), Khloe Kardashian (1984-06-27), True Thompson (2018-04-12), Tatum Thompson (2022-07-28), Robert Kardashian (1987-03-17), Dream Kardashian (2016-11-10), Kendall Jenner (1995-11-03), Kylie Jenner (1997-08-10), Stormi Webster (2018-02-01), Aire Webster (2022-02-02)

Who are the all blood relatives of Kris Houghton?

Kris Houghton all blood relatives include Robert Houghton (1931-05-12 - 1975-03-01), Mary Campbell (1934-07-26), Kourtney Kardashian (1979-04-18), Mason Disick (2009-12-14), Penelope Disick (2012-07-08), Reign Disick (2014-12-14), Kimberly Kardashian (1980-10-21), North West (2013-06-15), Saint West (2015-12-05), Chicago West (2018-01-15), Psalm West (2019-05-09), Khloe Kardashian (1984-06-27), True Thompson (2018-04-12), Tatum Thompson (2022-07-28), Robert Kardashian (1987-03-17), Dream Kardashian (2016-11-10), Kendall Jenner (1995-11-03), Kylie Jenner (1997-08-10), Stormi Webster (2018-02-01), Aire Webster (2022-02-02), Karen Houghton (1958-11-24 - 2024-03-18)

  • Article Updated: Sat Feb 22 2025

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