Who are the parents of Karen Houghton?
Karen Houghton parents include Robert Houghton (1931-05-12 - 1975-03-01), Mary Campbell (1934-07-26)
Below we've gathered some of the frequently asked questions about Karen Houghton along with detailed information on how they are related to all the people on the Kardashians family tree.
Karen Houghton was born in San Diego, California, United States. The coordinates are located close to the downtown area of San Diego and approximately 120 miles southeast of Los Angeles.
Karen Houghton was born on Mon Nov 24 1958 (over 66 years ago)
Karen Houghton died on Mon Mar 18 2024 (11 months ago)
Karen Houghton parents include Robert Houghton (1931-05-12 - 1975-03-01), Mary Campbell (1934-07-26)
Karen Houghton siblings include Kris Houghton (1955-11-05)
Karen Houghton nephews / nieces include Kourtney Kardashian (1979-04-18), Kimberly Kardashian (1980-10-21), Khloe Kardashian (1984-06-27), Robert Kardashian (1987-03-17), Kendall Jenner (1995-11-03), Kylie Jenner (1997-08-10)
Karen Houghton grandnephews / grandnieces include Mason Disick (2009-12-14), Penelope Disick (2012-07-08), Reign Disick (2014-12-14), North West (2013-06-15), Saint West (2015-12-05), Chicago West (2018-01-15), Psalm West (2019-05-09), True Thompson (2018-04-12), Tatum Thompson (2022-07-28), Dream Kardashian (2016-11-10), Stormi Webster (2018-02-01), Aire Webster (2022-02-02)
Karen Houghton ancestors include Robert Houghton (1931-05-12 - 1975-03-01), Mary Campbell (1934-07-26)
Karen Houghton all blood relatives include Robert Houghton (1931-05-12 - 1975-03-01), Mary Campbell (1934-07-26), Kris Houghton (1955-11-05), Kourtney Kardashian (1979-04-18), Mason Disick (2009-12-14), Penelope Disick (2012-07-08), Reign Disick (2014-12-14), Kimberly Kardashian (1980-10-21), North West (2013-06-15), Saint West (2015-12-05), Chicago West (2018-01-15), Psalm West (2019-05-09), Khloe Kardashian (1984-06-27), True Thompson (2018-04-12), Tatum Thompson (2022-07-28), Robert Kardashian (1987-03-17), Dream Kardashian (2016-11-10), Kendall Jenner (1995-11-03), Kylie Jenner (1997-08-10), Stormi Webster (2018-02-01), Aire Webster (2022-02-02)
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