Who are the spouses of Justine Wilson?
Justine Wilson spouses include Elon Musk (1971-06-28)
Below we've gathered some of the frequently asked questions about Justine Wilson along with detailed information on how they are related to all the people on the Musks family tree.
Justine Wilson (Musk) was born in Peterborough, Ontario, Canada. This location is situated near the city of Toronto.
Justine Wilson (Musk) was born on Sat Sep 02 1972 (over 52 years ago)
Justine Wilson was born in Peterborough, Ontario, and spent most of her early life there. She attended Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario, and obtained a degree in English literature.
Canadian author. She is the first ex-wife of businessman Elon Musk.
Justine Wilson spouses include Elon Musk (1971-06-28)
Justine Wilson children include Nevada Musk (2002-05-28 - 2002-05-28), Griffin Musk (2004-04-15), Kai Musk (2006), Saxon Musk (2006), Vivian Musk (2004-04-15), Damian Musk (2006)
Justine Wilson descendants include Nevada Musk (2002-05-28 - 2002-05-28), Griffin Musk (2004-04-15), Kai Musk (2006), Saxon Musk (2006), Vivian Musk (2004-04-15), Damian Musk (2006)
Justine Wilson all blood relatives include Nevada Musk (2002-05-28 - 2002-05-28), Griffin Musk (2004-04-15), Kai Musk (2006), Saxon Musk (2006), Vivian Musk (2004-04-15), Damian Musk (2006)
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