Who are the spouses of Tristan Thompson?
Tristan Thompson spouses include Khloe Kardashian (1984-06-27)
Below we've gathered some of the frequently asked questions about Tristan Thompson along with detailed information on how they are related to all the people on the Kardashians family tree.
Tristan Thompson was born in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada. This location is in close proximity to Toronto and is part of the Greater Toronto Area.
Tristan Thompson was born on Wed Mar 13 1991 (almost 34 years ago)
Tristan Thompson spouses include Khloe Kardashian (1984-06-27)
Tristan Thompson children include True Thompson (2018-04-12), Tatum Thompson (2022-07-28)
Tristan Thompson descendants include True Thompson (2018-04-12), Tatum Thompson (2022-07-28)
Tristan Thompson all blood relatives include True Thompson (2018-04-12), Tatum Thompson (2022-07-28)
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