Who are the spouses of Kanye West?
Kanye West spouses include Kimberly Kardashian (1980-10-21)
Below we've gathered some of the frequently asked questions about Kanye West along with detailed information on how they are related to all the people on the Kardashians family tree.
Kanye West was born in Atlanta, Georgia, United States. This location is near downtown Atlanta, with other nearby big cities including Marietta and Sandy Springs.
Kanye West was born on Wed Jun 08 1977 (over 47 years ago)
Kanye West spouses include Kimberly Kardashian (1980-10-21)
Kanye West children include North West (2013-06-15), Saint West (2015-12-05), Chicago West (2018-01-15), Psalm West (2019-05-09)
Kanye West descendants include North West (2013-06-15), Saint West (2015-12-05), Chicago West (2018-01-15), Psalm West (2019-05-09)
Kanye West all blood relatives include North West (2013-06-15), Saint West (2015-12-05), Chicago West (2018-01-15), Psalm West (2019-05-09)
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