Who are the spouses of Chrystie Jenner?
Chrystie Jenner spouses include Caitlyn Jenner (1949-10-28)
Below we've gathered some of the frequently asked questions about Chrystie Jenner along with detailed information on how they are related to all the people on the Kardashians family tree.
Chrystie Jenner was born on Wed Nov 30 1949 (about 75 years ago)
Chrystie Jenner spouses include Caitlyn Jenner (1949-10-28)
Chrystie Jenner children include Burt Jenner , Cassandra Jenner (1980-06-10)
Chrystie Jenner grandchildren include Isabella Marino , Francesca Marino , Luke Marino
Chrystie Jenner descendants include Burt Jenner , Cassandra Jenner (1980-06-10), Isabella Marino , Francesca Marino , Luke Marino
Chrystie Jenner all blood relatives include Burt Jenner , Cassandra Jenner (1980-06-10), Isabella Marino , Francesca Marino , Luke Marino
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