Who are the spouses of Selçuk Bayraktar?
Selçuk Bayraktar spouses include Sümeyye Erdoğan (1985-08-22)
Below we've gathered some of the frequently asked questions about Selçuk Bayraktar along with detailed information on how they are related to all the people on the Erdogans family tree.
Selçuk Bayraktar was born on Sun Oct 07 1979 (over 45 years ago)
Selçuk Bayraktar is a Turkish pilot, engineer, and businessman, serving as the chairman and CTO of Baykar. He played a key role in developing Turkey’s first indigenous UCAV, Bayraktar TB2, and the unmanned fighter jet, Bayraktar Kızılelma. He is also the founding chairman of the Turkish Technology Team Foundation.
Selçuk Bayraktar spouses include Sümeyye Erdoğan (1985-08-22)
Selçuk Bayraktar children include Canan Aybüke Bayraktar (2007-08-13), Asım Özdemir Bayraktar (2024-01-09)
Selçuk Bayraktar descendants include Canan Aybüke Bayraktar (2007-08-13), Asım Özdemir Bayraktar (2024-01-09)
Selçuk Bayraktar all blood relatives include Canan Aybüke Bayraktar (2007-08-13), Asım Özdemir Bayraktar (2024-01-09)
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