Berat Albayrak

Family Tree of Berat Albayrak

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Below we've gathered some of the frequently asked questions about Berat Albayrak along with detailed information on how they are related to all the people on the Erdogans family tree.

In which location was Berat Albayrak born?

Berat Albayrak was born in Istanbul, Turkey. This location is in the city of Istanbul, in the European side of Turkey. It is situated close to the Bosporus Strait, which separates Europe from Asia. Additionally, it is approximately 20 kilometers southeast of the city center of Istanbul.

On what date was Berat Albayrak born?

Berat Albayrak was born on Tue Feb 21 1978 (about 47 years ago)

What is the biography of Berat Albayrak?

Berat Albayrak began his career in 1996 and joined Çalık Holding in 1999, holding key financial roles. He served as finance director in the U.S. (2002-2006) and later became general manager in 2007. He managed Turkey’s first Eurobond issuance and facilitated major foreign investments. In 2013, he left the private sector to write for Sabah newspaper, teach at Marmara University, and engage in non-governmental organizations.

Who are the spouses of Berat Albayrak?

Berat Albayrak spouses include Esra Erdoğan (1983-10-14)

  • Article Updated: Mon Feb 24 2025

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