Ahmet Burak Erdoğan

Family Tree of Ahmet Burak Erdoğan

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Below we've gathered some of the frequently asked questions about Ahmet Burak Erdoğan along with detailed information on how they are related to all the people on the Erdogans family tree.

In which location was Ahmet Burak Erdoğan born?

Ahmet Burak Erdoğan was born in Istanbul, Fatih, Turkey. Situated close to the historic center of Istanbul and nearby big cities like Ankara and Izmir.

On what date was Ahmet Burak Erdoğan born?

Ahmet Burak Erdoğan was born on Thu Jul 05 1979 (over 45 years ago)

What is the biography of Ahmet Burak Erdoğan?

Ahmet Burak Erdoğan, born on July 4, 1979, in Istanbul, is the son of Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and Emine Erdoğan. He attended İmam Hatip school and later earned a bachelor's degree from Istanbul Bilgi University. His higher education, like that of his siblings, was funded by Turkish textile entrepreneur and family friend Remzi Gür. In 2001, he married Sema Ketenci, daughter of Osman Ketenci, and the couple is believed to have one child.

Who are the spouses of Ahmet Burak Erdoğan?

Ahmet Burak Erdoğan spouses include Sema Ketenci

Who are the children of Ahmet Burak Erdoğan?

Ahmet Burak Erdoğan children include Undisclosed Erdoğan

Who are the nephews / nieces of Ahmet Burak Erdoğan?

Ahmet Burak Erdoğan nephews / nieces include Ahmet Akif Albayrak (2006), Emine Mahinur Albayrak (2009), Sadık Eymen Albayrak (2015), Hamza Salih Albayrak (2020), Ömer Tayyip Erdoğan (2007), Ali Tahir Erdoğan (2013-11-14), Fatma Serra Erdoğan (2018), Canan Aybüke Bayraktar (2007-08-13), Asım Özdemir Bayraktar (2024-01-09)

Who are the descendants of Ahmet Burak Erdoğan?

Ahmet Burak Erdoğan descendants include Undisclosed Erdoğan

Who are the all blood relatives of Ahmet Burak Erdoğan?

Ahmet Burak Erdoğan all blood relatives include Recep Tayyip Erdoğan (1954-02-26), Tenzile Erdoğan (1924 - 2011), Ahmet Erdoğan (1905 - 1988), Emine Gülbaran (1955-02-16), Hayriye Gülbaran , Cemal Gülbaran (1926 - 2006), Undisclosed Erdoğan , Esra Erdoğan (1983-10-14), Ahmet Akif Albayrak (2006), Emine Mahinur Albayrak (2009), Sadık Eymen Albayrak (2015), Hamza Salih Albayrak (2020), Bilal Erdoğan (1981-04-24), Ömer Tayyip Erdoğan (2007), Ali Tahir Erdoğan (2013-11-14), Fatma Serra Erdoğan (2018), Sümeyye Erdoğan (1985-08-22), Canan Aybüke Bayraktar (2007-08-13), Asım Özdemir Bayraktar (2024-01-09), Mustafa Erdoğan (1958), Vesile Erdoğan (1965), Mehmet Erdoğan (1926 - 1988), Hasan Erdoğan (1929 - 2006)

  • Article Updated: Mon Feb 24 2025

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